[Daily Devotion] August 28th, 2017

[Daily Devotion] August 28th, 2017

Today's Scripture

A PRAYER FOR PEACE John 14:23-27

23 Jesus answered him, “Those who love me will keep my word, and my Father will love them, and we will come to them and make our home with them. 24 Whoever does not love me does not keep my words; and the word that you hear is not mine, but is from the Father who sent me.

25 “I have said these things to you while I am still with you. 26 But the Advocate, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you everything, and remind you of all that I have said to you. 27 Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled, and do not let them be afraid.

RJ's Devotion

What does the passage say?

V. 23-24 The love we have with God is the motivation of whether or not we will keep God’s words.
V. 25-27 Jesus is leaving the world, but he assures the disciples that help is on the way. That helper will reveal the peace that only comes from Jesus. 

What does this passage mean to me/us?

Following God’s command has always been a challenge for Christians.
Sometimes the simple things to do become so difficult.
Sometimes we know what we need to do, but it being so contradicting to the world, we fail to choose what is right in God’s eyes.

That might be the reason why Jesus says, in The Message, “Because of a loveless world,” said Jesus, “is a sightless world. If anyone loves me, he will carefully keep my word and my Father will love him—we’ll move right into the neighborhood! Not loving me means not keeping my words. The message you are hearing isn’t mine. It’s the message of the Father who sent me.”

Eugene Peterson points out that the world is a place, which lost the love of God. That is the reason why the word of God can be so different from what the world says. Then Jesus points out how his followers, ‘carefully keeps his words’ because of the love they have for God.

We shouldn’t use this as a judgment toward anyone, however, it is a challenge to the followers.
Jesus loved us so much. Will we only receive that love and not love him back?


Lord, help us to see you love in our lives. Help us to respond to that love, by loving you more. As a result, help us to carefully keep your words. We also pray for your peace to be with your people in Texas. Lord, hold everyone in your peace, which only comes from heaven. Also, because of your love, help us to follow your word and commands to help your people. In Christ Name, AMEN.

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