

Welcome to Raleigh Court UMC’s Stewardship Pledge Page.

God has blessed us with a remarkable church and we have endeavored to be a blessing to our community, both locally and globally. Each week we provide dynamic and living-giving worship, we have a variety of small groups and Sunday School classes that meet to learn more about God’s Word, we are committed to serving the needs of others, and we are a growing faith community in Roanoke. We do what we do because of what God in Christ has done for us – and we are able to do what we do because of the generous tithing and giving from our church community.

Stewardship, a vital aspect of discipleship, acknowledges that all things come first from the Lord. Our response to all that God has given is made manifest in the way that we give of ourselves through our time, our talents, and our treasures. Jesus reminds us that, “Where our treasure is, there our hearts are also.” Giving is part of the DNA of discipleship.

Since the days of the early church gatherings in Acts, disciples have committed to give of themselves for God and for others. Tithing is the biblical and theological understanding of how this continues to take place in the church today. It is a recognition that because we are loved first, we can respond to God and others with love as well. Returning 10% of our income to God is fundamental to the life of faith and the growth of the church. Tithing is a visible and tangible way of how our faith is connecting with the world. And when we tithe together, we continue God’s mission in the world.

And yet, tithing is a challenging commitment. The economic realities of the world make if difficult to tithe, particularly if we haven’t tithed before. If stewardship is something new to you, or your family, I encourage you to think about what it would mean to pledge a percentage of your income to God (2% or 5%) and then prayerfully consider how your giving connects with your faith and how you might contribute more in the future.

My family and I tithe to the church not only because we have seen the fruits of our giving, and not only because we have received so many blessings from the church, but also because we recognize how all we have first comes from God. That doesn’t mean that it is easy! And yet, our lives are what they are because of the church.

As we prepare to take steps into a new year as a church, I encourage you to enter a season of discernment about your financial pledges for 2024. As a growing and vibrant faith community, we have plans for new ministry opportunities, new small groups, and new missional programs, but they will only be possible through financial giving. We believe in proclaiming the Good News at RCUMC and you are a part of that vision. Even if you are only able to increase your giving by 1%, it can be the difference that makes all the difference.

Our Stewardship Sunday will take place on Sunday, November 5th at both services, and we ask that you bring your Pledge Cards to worship so that we can pray over them together. You can also fill out your pledge through the online form found below.

– Rev. Taylor Mertins