Why are our youth so busy?

Why are our youth so busy?

I am sure that many youth leaders are asking this same question. Why are our youth so busy?  Even the smartest minds can’t come up with an answer.

I remember when I was a young man being a 3 sport athlete, maintaining good grades, being a thespian, playing year round AAU baseball, and still being dragged to every church event by my parents. I say dragged because there were many Sunday mornings that I just wanted to relax for one morning out of the week.  At that time in my life I resented my parents forcing me to go to church but as an adult I am thankful. If I had not been there I do not know that I would have answered the call on my life to ministry.

The youth that are in my ministry now tell me all the things that they are involved with and it surprises me. A few tell me that they normally don’t get home from school during the weekdays until 6 or 7 and they have to get their homework done, do projects, and still have some time to be young and have fun.

So how can a youth event compete with other things in life? Should we as youth leaders be focused on attractional ministries? On average a youth leader spends about 2% of a year with the youth and that is only the ones that come to every one of the meetings. How can we instill a deep desire to know God in our youth?

Again, these are just some thoughts and they spawn more questions. Please feel free to provide feedback in the comment section below.

Thank you for reading.