Today's Scripture
Psalm 112:6-8
6 For the righteous will never be moved;
they will be remembered forever.
7 They are not afraid of evil tidings;
their hearts are firm, secure in the Lord.
8 Their hearts are steady, they will not be afraid;
in the end they will look in triumph on their foes.
Rich's Devotion
What Does the Passage Say?
A whole lot of good advice is in these few lines. Be a good person that is generous and fair and be settled in your mind that God will take care of you. Vs 7 then offers the reward if this advice is followed. A life without fear of bad news and living life without dread of what may happen. God’s care for those who live a carefree life like this will make a deep impression on all who witness it. – Life Application Bible |
What Does the passage Mean to Me/Us?
One of the hardest things in life to do is not worry. Even though we know worrying doesn’t do anything but add stress to our life. I still remember a sign I saw a long time ago because it is so true. “worrying is a lot like shoveling smoke.” A lot of work that gets us nowhere.
This Psalm promises that fear of God can lead to a fearless life, a life without worry. To fear God means to respect and reverence him as the almighty lord. To accept there is nothing more powerful than God in your life. When we trust God completely to take care of us , we find that our other fears – even those of death itself – will subside.- Life Application Bible
Heavenly Father we pray that we can fully accept you are in control of our life. We pray that when we feel the pressures of life that we won’t try to take control back but pray harder to leave our life in your hands. Through Jesus Christ your son – Amen
Submitted by Rich McGimsey
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