Crucifixion was probably the most horrible form of capital punishment ever devised by man. The ancient Persians practiced it (ca. 522 B.C.); for example, when Darius, a Persian ruler, conquered Babylon (the second conquest), he had three thousand leading citizens crucified (Herodotus, The Histories 3.159). Later crucifixion became a model of Greek execution. Following the destruction of Tyre, Alexander the Great crucified two thousand men of military age (Rollin 1857, 526). – Excerpt of ‘A Reflection Upon Three Crosses’
However, Christ resurrection had transformed the meaning of the cross. The cross no longer stands as a symbol of death but instead exemplifies the life brought through Jesus Christ. And the cross had changed in different shapes, presenting different meaning to each individual.
That is why, this Easter, Raleigh Court United Methodist is asking for you to lend your cross for a day of prayer.
We would like to display all the different crosses around our church, to create an atmosphere of prayer.
We will hang all collected crosses during the Holy weekend, from Good Friday to Easter.
If you have a cross to share, please send it to our church at 1706 Grandin Rd. SW, Roanoke VA 24015.
If you are sending a cross with a special meaning, you may include a short note with the cross.
Need someone to pick up your cross, please contact our church office and we will arrange a pick-up.
Don’t have a cross at your home? We have invited LifeWay Christian Store to join the Exhibition, and they will sell crosses for your home.
Thank you, in advance, for your support and participation.
May the beauty of the cross continue to transform our lives.
In Christ,
Rev. Seungsoo Jun