What was the most useful thing you borrowed from someone?
– Drain stopper from Susan
What were the 3 most useful things you brought?
– Earplugs
– Personal fans
– Cooling towel
What 3 things do you wish you had brought?
– Massage therapist
What 3 things did you bring that you didn’t need?
– Clothespins
– Mosquito net
– Bathing suit
What are your 3 favorite things about the people at IMLA?
– Hospitality
– Joyful spirits
– Enthusiasm for God
What are the 3 funniest things that happened this week?
– Sue getting 2 scoops of ice cream when she just wanted to order one.
– Terri seeing how the shower curtain would look as a dress.
– Rich and Dennis twinning on the last work day.
What was your favorite work tool?
– Small paint roller
What are your top 3 moments working on Dennis’ house?
– Puppy” greeting us at the van when we arrived on the last day.
– Dennis’ enthusiasm over the changes to his house.
– His sister, Candi, and her husband bringing us lunch twice.
– Dennis bringing us limber.
What are your top 3 moments of the entire trip?
– Touring around Old San Juan.
– Seeing the painted ceilings and walls in Dennis’ living room and kitchen and praying with him before we left.
-Realizing the many ways God provided for us on the trip.
What surprised you about Puerto Rico?
– The colors of the buildings and clothing of the people and the great public art.
What was your favorite nature moment/discovery?
– Flamboyant trees. (Royal poinciana)
What was harder or worse than you expected?
– Working inside a house with poor ventilation in high heat and humidity
What was your favorite food?
– Bebo’s ribs
What are 3 things you most looking forward to when you get back to the States?
– Air conditioned bathrooms
– Vegetables
– Ice in my water
What 3 things surprised you about yourself this week?
– I held up physically better than I thought I might. – I was more adaptable than usual.
-For the most part I didn’t overthink things.
What 3 things did you discover about others on our team?
– Rich and Greg squabble like an old married couple but get things done.
– RJ is a good eater
– Sue is awesome at painting ceilings.
– Terri has a way of enlisting others to help her accomplish a task.
What are 3 strengths of our team?
– Managed to work pretty well together under hot conditions in a small space. – Leadership roles shifted as needed. – Everyone took direction from others well
What word or phrase would you use, to sum up, this week for you?
– God provided
To learn more about our experience, click here and read our blog
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