This year’s Music Camp was a great week filled with energy and God’s spirit! On August 3-7 we had 16 children who attended and they sang, danced, played handbells and choirchimes, made instruments, played Orff instruments, explored an instrument petting zoo, prayed, and played musical games. Oh, and I almost forgot…they also enjoyed snack time! The children presented a wonderful program for their family and friends on Friday and a few of the children sang “Joshua Fought the Battle of Jericho” for our worship service on August 9th. Thanks to our leaders: George Dickenson, Cat Conover, Carla Nelson, and Debra LeBrun. The enthusiasm and energy that filled our church building was amazing!! Keep an eye out for next year’s Music Camp! 😀 Here are some pictures. Click on a picture to view slideshow.
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