Today's Scripture
Clothed in Kindness Colossians 3:12-17
RJ's Devotion
What does the passage say?
V. 12. We are called to clothe ourselves with the characteristics of our Lord.
V. 13-14 Practice forgiveness, for it is the only way for us to experience unity.
V. 15-17 As we continue to walk in this journey to follow, our Lord, Paul bless the people with the peace that comes from God. All that we are to do, is to glorify our Lord.
What does this passage mean to me/us?
Imitating Christ might sound like an unachievable goal. Yes, it is true. How will we bear and live out the characteristics that represents our Lord?
Even though we might be chosen people, it will be hard for us to have compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience. It seems hard to obtain, even one characteristics from the list presented.
The secret to live in this lifestyle, striving for perfection, is possible only when we have a right goal.
We do attempt to live in this way, because we want to lift our name high.
We strive and live to be more like Christ, to reveal God’s glory in this world.
God loved us so much, we are called and chosen to live toward perfection.
When we realize that our call is to live according to God’s will, for the Glory of God, that is when God makes everything possible in our lives.
So the question is, ‘Are we living today for the glory of our Lord?’
Lord, we are called to glorify your name. Help us to glorify you throughout this day. Help us to see how you will cultivate our lives to be more like you, as a faithful follower.
In Christ name, we pray, AMEN.