Today's Scripture
Question #2. Am I honest in all my acts and words, or do I exaggerate? – Proverbs 11:3
The integrity of the upright guides them,
but the crookedness of the treacherous destroys them.
RJ's Devotion
As we start 2017, we wanted to examine the 22 questions of John Wesley. He challenged his followers to ask these rigorous self-examining questions, as they walk toward holiness. For the next four weeks, we will examine each question, daily. Also, I encourage you to read the ‘One Year Bible Reading Plan’ suggested by Bishop Sharma Lewis.
What the passage says
We will be judged by our integrity. We need to remember that we need to live as if we are in front of God.
What does the passage say to me/us?
‘Coram Deo,’ it means to live as if we are in the presence of God.
When we are in front of God, can we exaggerate who we are?
Can we act as if we are more than who we are? No… because God knows who we really are.
However, when we are living in this world, so many times, we tend to present ourselves to others, through exaggeration.
We can easily deceive others, by telling them of more than who we are. We can create a false image to others, by covering up our true being.
We need to remember, in front of God, all our exaggeration does not work. God knows exactly who we are. God wants us to be true to ourselves, and others.
Whee we can be true to ourselves, we can experience the freedom that comes from the grace of God.
That is when we can truly become our true selves.
Lord, help us to be true to others and ourselves. Help us to understand that we cannot wrap ourselves in a false image. Help us to discover who we relly are. Help us to seek your grace that covers us, every moment.
In Christ name, AMEN.
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