Today's Scripture
Faith Without Fanfare – Matthew 6:1-4
“Beware of practicing your piety before others in order to be seen by them; for then you have no reward from your Father in heaven.
2 “So whenever you give alms, do not sound a trumpet before you, as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and in the streets, so that they may be praised by others. Truly I tell you, they have received their reward. 3 But when you give alms, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing, 4 so that your alms may be done in secret; and your Father who sees in secret will reward you.
RJ's Devotion
What the passage says
V. 1 When we practice our piety or our personal relationship with God, Jesus says that we do it in secret. Our relationship is not to be boasted with the public, to gain our own honor.
V. 2-4 As an example, Jesus shares how we should give alms, as an act of our piety. The act of giving alms is a response to our relationship with God. It has to be done privately, to glorify God’s name.
What does the passage say to me/us?
“Still water runs deep.”
The deeper we are in the relationship with God, the more we crave to be in private with our Lord.
The time we spend with God becomes our motivation and reason to live.
It is not that people see us as a pious person, through the deep relationship, people become transformed because of the contagious nature of our Lord.
Jesus is asking us to dive deeper into the relationship, instead of acting out to show others what we do.
When we go deeper, we will see a greater God working through us.
Lord, help us grow closer to you every day. As we approach your glorious thrown, shine your light through us, whoever we meet today.
In Christ name, we pray, AMEN