Day of the Lord – 1 Thessalonians 5
Now concerning the times and the seasons, brothers and sisters, you do not need to have anything written to you. 2 For you yourselves know very well that the day of the Lord will come like a thief in the night. 3 When they say, “There is peace and security,” then sudden destruction will come upon them, as labor pains come upon a pregnant woman, and there will be no escape! 4 But you, beloved, are not in darkness, for that day to surprise you like a thief; 5 for you are all children of light and children of the day; we are not of the night or of darkness. 6 So then let us not fall asleep as others do, but let us keep awake and be sober; 7 for those who sleep sleep at night, and those who are drunk get drunk at night. 8 But since we belong to the day, let us be sober, and put on the breastplate of faith and love, and for a helmet the hope of salvation. 9 For God has destined us not for wrath but for obtaining salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ, 10 who died for us, so that whether we are awake or asleep we may live with him. 11 Therefore encourage one another and build up each other, as indeed you are doing.
Final Exhortations, Greetings, and Benediction
12 But we appeal to you, brothers and sisters, to respect those who labor among you, and have charge of you in the Lord and admonish you; 13 esteem them very highly in love because of their work. Be at peace among yourselves. 14 And we urge you, beloved, to admonish the idlers, encourage the fainthearted, help the weak, be patient with all of them. 15 See that none of you repays evil for evil, but always seek to do good to one another and to all. 16 Rejoice always, 17 pray without ceasing, 18 give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you. 19 Do not quench the Spirit. 20 Do not despise the words of prophets,21 but test everything; hold fast to what is good; 22 abstain from every form of evil.
23 May the God of peace himself sanctify you entirely; and may your spirit and soul and body be kept sound[f] and blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. 24 The one who calls you is faithful, and he will do this.
25 Beloved, pray for us.
26 Greet all the brothers and sisters with a holy kiss. 27 I solemnly command you by the Lord that this letter be read to all of them.
28 The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you
How often do you hear about the ‘End of the World?’
If you go to the theaters and watch all the previews, you will notice that it is something people all ponder.
Many movies and even the circumstances of the world reflect that the end can be near, but we do not live in any awareness.
It is hard for us to be aware of the end days since it has been something told in the Bible 2,000 years ago and still not realized.
However, does it mean that the Bible is wrong? No. God’s accomplishes His word in God’s ways. For many, the end of the world came true, as people approached death. The end of the world did not occur through any rapture, but it still ended. Seems like the ‘End of the World’ started 2,000 years ago and is still continuing. So, therefore, it is true to say that we are living, in the end days.
I believe it is more about what attitude we have in this end days.
We need to prepare ourselves for the last day of life, every day.
He says, “for you know very well that the day of the Lord will come like a thief in the night.” 1 Thessalonians 5:2
What if we live out every single day, as it is our last day of life.
Then every morning, we realize, once more, the gift and miracle of life.
If we live in a manner of this day being the last day of our life, there will be no contentment. “While people are saying, ‘Peace and safety,'” (1 Thessalonians 5:3) we will say, Lord what else can I do?
I hope and pray that this will be my attitude of life, every single day until I see my Lord face-to-face. The day might come earlier or later than I’ve thought, but what would matter if I can live in this way of being alert for our Lord.