Today's Scripture
Word – Job 19:1-6
Today’s Reading Schedule: Job 17-20 (CEB)
Then Job responded:
2 How long will you harass me
and crush me with words?
3 These ten times you’ve humiliated me;
shamelessly you insult me.
4 Have I really gone astray?
If so, my error remains hidden inside me.
5 If you look down on me
and use my disgrace to criticize me,
6 know then that God has wronged me
and enclosed his net over me.
RJ's Devotion
What Does the passage Mean to Me/US?
How is your journey, reading Job?
Sometimes, reading Job can seem to be confusing and frustrating.
We thought Job does not blame God and reading today’s passage, we can wonder if that statement is really true.
The words of the friends seem to reflect a portion of truth, however, we can’t get our minds off it sounds like they are condemning and misleading.
That is why we need to read Job in a different way.
We need to read Job to see how Job’s understanding of God is abolished and rebuilt.
We also have to see how the conversation between Job and his friends reveal the misunderstanding that we have about God. Plus, we will have to see how our words, trying to prove our point and be harmful and diminishing others.
In 19:1-6 Job is calling his friends harassers. He says that their words are of no comfort. He says that what they are saying is far from the truth, and if they are right he has a basis to blame God.
Sometimes, we try to make a point to others in a cost of diminishing them and even harassing them.
A person with wise spirit shouldn’t be in that situation, but I see myself getting stuck in that rut.
When our words have the power to both encourage and put others down, we see how we should find ways to control our words.
Remember the words of Proverbs 15:4 “The soothing tongue is a tree of life, but a perverse tongue crushes the spirit.”
Lord, we want to share the word of love and encouragement. Control our lives and reign in our words. In Christ Name, we pray, AMEN