Today's Scripture
The Hidden Disciple Acts 12:1-5
About that time King Herod laid violent hands upon some who belonged to the church. 2 He had James, the brother of John, killed with the sword. 3 After he saw that it pleased the Jews, he proceeded to arrest Peter also. (This was during the festival of Unleavened Bread.) 4 When he had seized him, he put him in prison and handed him over to four squads of soldiers to guard him, intending to bring him out to the people after the Passover. 5 While Peter was kept in prison, the church prayed fervently to God for him.
RJ's Devotion
What does the passage say?
V. 1-2 James, the brother of John, dies on the hand of Herod.
V. 3-4 Then Herod, pursues to prison Peter and the people were praying for him.
What does this passage say to me/us?
The upper room devotion points out an excellent point.
Jesus called brothers James and John at the same time. They followed immediately and were with Jesus throughout his ministry. Interestingly, almost every reference to James is in relation to John and Peter. James is what I call a “hidden disciple.”
James was one of the original disciples and, after Jesus’ resurrection, went on to help build the church. He seemed to be one of Jesus’ three closest friends, who sometimes were invited to experience events that the rest of the Twelve were not. But we know almost nothing else about James — neither his personality nor his ministry. He died early in the Book of Acts and unlike Stephen, whose martyrdom is described over two chapters (Acts 6-7), James’s death is given only one line (Acts 12:2).
This does not mean that James was unimportant. Jesus called him for a purpose that played out uniquely in his life and death. We can honor James simply because we know he was a follower of Jesus.
Many followers of Christ are “hidden” among us. Some serve in the background; others are isolated by various circumstances from the body of Christ. But Jesus cherishes every believer, calls each of us to a unique path of discipleship, and values each member of his Body, the church.
There are also the hidden disciples who were praying for Peter.
I believe we have many hidden disciples in our faith community. We are grateful for their faithfulness because they are the foundation on how we can navigate through the tough times.
Lord, we ask for more hidden disciples, who will fervently pray for your kingdom. We ask that you will mold us to a hidden disciple.
In Christ, we pray, AMEN
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