[Daily Devotion] November 14th, 2019

[Daily Devotion] November 14th, 2019

Today's Scripture

TODAY’S READING SCHEDULE: 1 Chronicles 10-12; Luke 1:39-56

Glorify the Lord – Luke 1:39-56

39 Mary got up and hurried to a city in the Judean highlands. 40 She entered Zechariah’s home and greeted Elizabeth. 41 When Elizabeth heard Mary’s greeting, the child leaped in her womb, and Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit. 42 With a loud voice she blurted out, “God has blessed you above all women, and he has blessed the child you carry. 43 Why do I have this honor, that the mother of my Lord should come to me? 44 As soon as I heard your greeting, the baby in my womb jumped for joy. 45 Happy is she who believed that the Lord would fulfill the promises he made to her.”46 Mary said,

“With all my heart I glorify the Lord!
47     In the depths of who I am I rejoice in God my savior.
48 He has looked with favor on the low status of his servant.
    Look! From now on, everyone will consider me highly favored
49         because the mighty one has done great things for me.
Holy is his name.
50     He shows mercy to everyone,
        from one generation to the next,
        who honors him as God.
51 He has shown strength with his arm.
    He has scattered those with arrogant thoughts and proud inclinations.
52     He has pulled the powerful down from their thrones
        and lifted up the lowly.
53 He has filled the hungry with good things
    and sent the rich away empty-handed.
54 He has come to the aid of his servant Israel,
        remembering his mercy,
55     just as he promised to our ancestors,
        to Abraham and to Abraham’s descendants forever.”

56 Mary stayed with Elizabeth about three months, and then returned to her home.

What does this passage mean to me/us?

After the Angel left, Mary hurried to meet Elizabeth. The Bible doesn’t say, but we can imagine that she was fleeing away from the vulnerability created as an unmarried pregnant woman. She came to Elizabeth, knowing that she should understand.

When these two met, both Elizabeth and Mary leap with joy! And we hear Mary’s prayer.
The prayer is filled with Joy despite her situation. Nothing changed, and we see that her journey was not glamourous, giving birth to a child in a manger. I believe, however, her heart must have been anchored with this joy.
That is the joy we have when we realize Christ is with us! Search for Christ, who is always with us, and see the joy overflowing!


Lord, Immnuel! We praise you for the promise to be with us! Help us to see you, in our lives, and rejoice in the Joy that flows from you, today!
In Christ Name we pray, AMEN.

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