Today's Scripture
So reach out – Romans 15:1-7
TODAY’S READING SCHEDULE: Genesis 43-45; Romans 15:1-13 (CEB)
We who are powerful need to be patient with the weakness of those who don’t have power, and not please ourselves. 2 Each of us should please our neighbors for their good in order to build them up. 3 Christ didn’t please himself, but, as it is written, The insults of those who insulted you fell on me. 4 Whatever was written in the past was written for our instruction so that we could have hope through endurance and through the encouragement of the scriptures. 5 May the God of endurance and encouragement give you the same attitude toward each other, similar to Christ Jesus’ attitude. 6 That way you can glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ together with one voice.
7 So welcome each other, in the same way that Christ also welcomed you, for God’s glory.
What does this passage mean to me/us
There are much required for the ones who tasted the grace of God earlier.
Not to put us on a pedestal, but to remind us that there is a reason in our lives that we have tasted that grace earlier.
As we mature in that faith, we see, how ironically we can do the exact opposite of what God intended for us.
Instead of looking out for the need of others, we can fall in a place to protect what we have or experienced. Eugene Peterson describes this behavior as, ‘doing what is most convenient for us.’
As Jesus reached out for us, we are called to reach out for others.
As we mature in our call and faith, we are to reach out to others that are not that deeply rooted in their faith as we are.
We are called to reach out to people who might not fully get it yet.
We are called to reach out to the people that we might not be able to fully understand.
Like Eugene Peterson says, in the Message Bible, “Jesus did it; now you do it!”
Lord, help us to reach out to others like you reached out to us first. In Christ name, we pray, AMEN.
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