Today's Scripture
Numbers 14 (selected verses)
Today’s Reading Schedule: numbers 14-15(CEB)- Click to read
1Then all the congregation raised a loud cry, and the people wept that night. 2 And all the Israelites complained against Moses and Aaron
11 And the Lord said to Moses, “How long will this people despise me? And how long will they refuse to believe in me, in spite of all the signs that I have done among them? 12 I will strike them with pestilence and disinherit them
19 Forgive the iniquity of this people according to the greatness of your steadfast love, just as you have pardoned this people, from Egypt even until now.”
28 Say to them, “As I live,” says the Lord, “I will do to you the very things I heard you say: 29 your dead bodies shall fall in this very wilderness; and of all your number, included in the census, from twenty years old and upward, who have complained against me, 30 not one of you shall come into the land in which I swore to settle you, except Caleb son of Jephunneh and Joshua son of Nun.
41 But Moses said, “Why do you continue to transgress the command of the Lord? That will not succeed.
Debra's Devotion
What Does the passage Mean to Me/US?
Here we go again. Those Israelites sure were whiners, weren’t they? Over and over they bemoan God for not taking care of them in the wilderness and not fulfilling his promise to them.
At this point, God has delivered them from the hands of Pharoah, literally parted a sea for them, provided them with nourishment in the desert, and now a scouting group has actually laid eyes upon the land that God has promised them…they’re THAT close. Yet still, they don’t believe that God will keep up his end of the deal. What more do they want?! And God is furious. He’s had about enough of their unbelief and only Moses’ begging and reasoning convinces Him to still deliver His people to the Promised Land – although with a slight change in plans.
How often do we doubt God? How often do we wonder when He’ll get around to doing what WE want Him to do? Today’s reading is a great reminder for us to be patient – an area I regularly have trouble with. I always want things to happen in my time. And if I can do it now, why bother to wait on God’s time? Maybe because, just like with the Israelites, he has a greater plan in place – something beyond my vision or understanding. What is God reminding you to be patient about today?
Lord, thank you for this reminder to wait on you. I know that my impatience shows little faith and only hinders your plans for me. Let me have the wisdom of Moses and the faith of Joshua and Caleb, for I want to see the land that you have promised me. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.
Contributed by Emily Nester
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