Greetings in our Lord,
We welcome you in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Raleigh Court United Methodist Church is a family of Christians, who are willing to be a bridge in this world, with God. We are in this spiritual journey to follow the ways of Christ and we hope that you will be able to join us.
Through Loving God and loving others, we hope and pray that God will use us for the Transformation of the World. So join us in this exciting mission where God leads us to serve this world.
And together, let us see how God changes our lives for God’s glory.
Once more, we thank you for checking out our website.
Frequently Asked Questions
We understand how difficult it is to visit a new church for the first time. We would like to answer as many questions as possible to make your worship experience with us, as comfortable as possible. We want to welcome you once more to Raleigh Court United Methodist Church.
What type of worship styles do we have?
COVID-19 Update: We are currently worshipping online at 9:30AM on Sundays. Services are rebroadcast each week after 10:30AM on Sunday.
At Raleigh Court United Methodist Church, we honor different styles of worship. Therefore, we have two different styles of worship. Both services are held in our sanctuary and feature a message by the Senior Pastor or other guest preachers.
Traditional Worship (Every Sunday at 11am)
With music led by the chancel choir and pipe organ, we worship God with one of the most commonly known styles of worship. We also have handbells, children’s choirs and instrumental groups who help lead this service.
First Light Service (Every Sunday at 8:30 am)
This service is a contemporary style worship service led by our First Light Worship Team and Worship Leader, Kristi Vernon.
What happens when I arrive?
Our church has two main entrances.
There is a lower entrance on Windsor Ave., where the parking lot is, that connects to our memorial hall, fellowship hall, and church office. You may use either the elevator or stairs to join us in worship in the Sanctuary.
The upper entrance from Grandin Rd. leads you directly to the Sanctuary.
If you arrive early you are invited to enjoy some coffee in our Connection Corner which is on the first level of the church. As you enter through the Windsor Rd. entrance head straight down the hallway past the offices and you will see the Connection Corner on your left.
When you enter the sanctuary you will be greeted by our Greeters or ushers. We encourage you to fill out a connection card which you can find in the pews. We will not bombard you with emails and texts, but want to know you by name and would love to follow up with you after your visit. Please feel free to not share your information.
What should I wear?
You are welcome to wear whatever you want. Jeans, t-shirts, and suits are all acceptable in the eye of our Lord. Come as you are.
How do I get here and where do I park?
Our address is 1706 Grandin Rd. SW, Roanoke VA 24015.
The directions provided by Google maps are on our homepage.
We have a parking lot for all our members on the Windsor Rd. side of the church, but if you are a first-time visitor please feel free to park in our visitor parking.
What about my kids?
We welcome all people and all ages to our worship services. We also welcome crying babies. Crying babies bring life to our congregation. We have rocking chairs in the back of the sanctuary you are welcome to use. However, we understand how hard it is for the parents to sit in the worship with a crying baby. We would like to take that burden off of you. We have a nursery close to our Sanctuary that is under the supervision of a professional nursery director. And we have a TV monitor that provides a live feed of our worship, so you may stay with your child if you choose and still feel included in our worship service.
Children in elementary and above will be joining us through the whole worship service. There is a special children’s message every Sunday.
What ministry is offered for children and youth?
Both Children and Youth have Sunday school classes on Sunday mornings (9:50 – 10:40 am). During that same time there are many small groups for adults. The youth (6-12 grade) have choir and bell rehearsal on Sundays at 5:30 PM followed by youth fellowship at 6:30 PM. Children can come sing and ring on Wednesdays during the school year from 5:30 PM – 6:30 PM. Please visit our Ministries page for more information.
What is the United Methodist Church?
Raleigh Court United Methodist is a charter of the Roanoke District of the Virginia Annual Conference of the United Methodist Church. The Methodist Church is an international community of faith called to ‘Make Disciples of Jesus Christ for the Transformation of the World.’ For more information about United Methodist Church, please visit this page.
More questions?
If you have more questions, please send us an email at
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