Raleigh Court United Methodist Church Menu


Supporting Each Other

COVID-19 Update:  Out of concern for the safety of our staff, members, and guests, we are currently worshipping online and have suspended in-person events and gatherings in our building.   We are looking forward to the time when we can reunite as a vibrant, caring church community and hope you will join us.  Until then our dedicated staff is still working behind the scenes and would love to get to know you and answer any questions or concerns!

Here at RCUMC we are a family of faith who explore our faith together, worship together, celebrate together, grieve together, pray for each other, support each other, and share Christ’s love with each other. Our fellowship opportunities help us to strengthen our relationship with each other.

  • Dinners on Wednesday nights (except in the summer) for all ages as part of our MOSAIC program.
  • Opportunities to join together with others who share interests such as “Friday Friends”, “Caring and Coloring”, “Prayer Shawl Ministry”, “Caring and Coloring” and the men’s softball team to name a few.
  • The Next Generation Ministry sponsors regular family events such as trips to Red Sox games, cookouts, Movie nights, Pumpkin picking, family hikes, and other recreational activities.
  • Being a Methodist Church we love to eat!  There are many special meals throughout the year at our church where we all have the opportunity to get to know each other! We also have a unique fellowship event called “Know Your Neighbors” where everyone in the congregation is invited to go out for a meal on a specified date with a small group of people who they might not otherwise get to know.