Blogs - Pastor's Blog, Devotionals and More (Page 17)

Blogs - Pastor's Blog, Devotionals and More (Page 17)

Pastor Taylor regularly posts on his blog here: Think And Let Think


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RCUMC’s COVID-19 Response – Financial

Re: Financial Response During COVID-19 Dear Members and Friends of Raleigh Court United Methodist Church, As you may already know, our Bishop has asked all United Methodist Churches in Virginia to not hold in-person worship until June 11th, based on the Executive order of Governor Northam. We will continue to unite our efforts to stand in solidarity with this world, as we fight against COVID-19. We also pray that this time of social distancing can remind us how much our…

Virtual Holy Week- RCUMC’s COVID-19 Response

We are walking through a new reality, as we cannot gather for Holy Week. Our original plan for Holy Week this year, was to invite you to walk with Jesus in his life, cross, and suffering. We purchased tickets to watch Jesus’ life, on big screens for Maundy Thursday. Sight & Sound Theatre planned a national screening of their recent musical “Jesus.” On Good Friday, we planned a Cross Walk with our neighboring churches and a Good Friday Cantata, by our Chancel Choir, to…