

Why We Give

Methodism’s founder John Wesley encouraged his followers to spread the good news, transform hopelessness into hope and assist God’s children wherever they may be. Our offering is our response to the overflowing Grace of our Lord. Our tithe and offerings is a confession of our faith, and participation in God’s Mission. Through a carefully crafted system of United Methodist mission and ministry, our gifts stretch around the world.

Your contributions to Raleigh Court United Methodist Church have regional, national and international impact through our connectional giving system. Most of the money you give supports our mission in the Roanoke area. A small portion funds go to regional ministries. A portion of your giving goes to the general church to fund programs nationally and internationally, agreed upon by General Conference delegates. We share the cost of these ministries, with each local church being responsible for contributing a fair portion or “apportionment.”

*adopted from the “Churchwide Giving” at the United Methodist Church Website. For more information click here.

Cash or Check

Please make sure you include your name and address on the cash envelope or your check so Raleigh Court UMC can provide you a record for tax purposes. Your gifts can be placed in the weekly worship offering plate or mailed to the church office (1706 Grandin Rd. SW, Roanoke VA 24015). If you need a pre-labled Offering envelope, please contact the church office, 540-344-6011

A simple and secure Online giving link is provided through Breeze Church Management. You can offer your gift through Credit Card or ACH Bank transfer. Please use the button below to be directed to the secure page.

Thank you for supporting the mission of Raleigh Court United Methodist Church through your generous contributions.